The pandemic has affected organizations and teams alike, including ours. Leaders have been forced to quickly adapt both their processes and their teams to working remotely and to changing budgets and timelines. While the pandemic’s impact is far from over, some of the permanent changes are already apparent: distributed teams are the status quo, companies are rethinking how teams connect, and many are realizing the necessity of project management software. But despite the challenges, there are a number of positives and opportunities in our industry.
Read MoreOver the last few years, drones have moved from a dystopian-sounding novelty to a useful tool in a variety of industries. Project management is emerging as one area where drones have the capability to be integrated, important tools that make the job more successful and efficient. Though the use of drones in project management is still very much in an exploration phase, COVID-19 has illuminated the possibilities more clearly. The next few years will see project managers and consulting firms solidifying best practices and honing the work best suited for drones. Three areas are already standing out.
Read MoreProject management is a growing field predicted to create 22 million new jobs by 2027. For recent graduates or those considering a new career, now is the perfect opportunity to dive into this thriving industry. While 2020 has changed our world permanently, project management is here to stay and is likely more important than ever. Here are a few considerations about the skill sets you’ll need and what to expect in the role.
Read MoreBy now, many of us have nailed the ins and outs of communicating and collaborating with an entirely remote team. Out of pure necessity many organizations have adapted old processes and ways of working in a short period of time. We’ve moved from “this is temporary” to accepting that portions of, if not all, remote work will be permanent. Turning an eye to the future, this raises questions about ensuring the quality of projects in the long-term. While teams tend to be more productive working from home, this often creates a path to burnout. We need sustainable, useful procedures in place to ensure that both our projects and teams thrive now and in the future.
Read MoreOnce your initial project idea has been approved, the team is likely anxious and excited to hit the ground running. However, there’s a “project before the project” that must be completed first: the project scope. Having a solid, reviewed and approved engagement scope before starting is the key to success. Some portions of developing a scope may be done as part of your initial approval process, depending on your company and the stakeholders involved.
Read MoreAlso known as a project planning manager or a project control and oversight manager, the project controls manager oversees project controls, working with cost accounting managers (CAMs) to manage day-to-day operations of the EVMS. That means that he or she is responsible for project planning and scheduling, cost estimating and monitoring, budget and transfer management, and quality review.
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The end of a project can bring on a host of feelings: relief, pride, exhaustion and more. Your team is likely looking forward to a break and period of recharging. While well-deserved, you have one final step to complete before you close the book on a project – the post-mortem/closure meeting. This piece of the project management lifecycle can be the key to continuous growth and working more efficiently in the future. A productive post-mortem meeting should be an integral part of any project, regardless of industry. Follow the steps listed below to hold a project closing meeting that will benefit your entire team.
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A project manager’s role is often perceived as one that’s “in the moment,” corralling all moving pieces of a project as they happen. In reality, project management is multi-faceted. Long before things kick into high gear, project managers are working to define a solution to a business problem. After the project has ended successfully, they’re diving in on the results and uncovering ways to improve next time. Even without an active project, a manager is always “on.” Though the phases vary depending on industry and specific project, the purpose remains largely the same.
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